Immune Patrol™ contains key vitamin, mineral, and plant nutrients that are supported by a significant amount of scientific study to support a strong immune system. All ingredients are delivered in the correct nutrient forms at clinically researched optimum amounts per daily serving. Elderberry (Sambucus nigra) Extract - 350mg per serving (10% Anthocyanidins)Elderberry is one of the most widely used immune-support plants in the world and considered one of the essentials. Andrographis (paniculata) Extract - 100mg per serving (AP-BIO® 31.5% Andrographolides)Known in traditional Ayurvedic medicine as the "king of bitters" and known through extensive clinical studies to be both effective and safe for upper respiratory health. Eleuthero Extract - 100mg per serving...
3|Recommended Use
Daily Formula | Clinical Strength Immune Patrol™ offers daily support for a resilient immune system. Maintaining a strong immune system is something you can do to ensure health and longevity. Two serving options: Take 2 capsules per day to maintain healthy immunity. Take 4 capsules per day to maximize strength of immune system as needed. For use by children under 12, please consult with your pediatrician. CAUTION: As with any dietary supplement, consult your physician before use. Not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.
1|Product Information
Advanced 24/7 Immune Defense Immune Patrol™ works at the cellular level to support the independent body systems that profoundly affect immune health. Immune Patrol™ was formulated by Curt Hendrix, Chief Scientific Officer for Akeso Health Sciences. Curt is a research chemist and nutritional scientist with an advanced degree in Clinical Nutrition. Key vitamin, mineral, and plant nutrients synergistically work together to promote a healthy immune system and respiratory function. Ingredients include elderberry, andrographis, and eleuthero extracts, as well as Vitamins A, D3 & C, Zinc, Biotin, and Chromium at clinically researched doses Plays a critical role in the body including modulation of innate and adaptive immune responses...